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The future of customer service: 12 trends to watch

The Future of Customer Service and Support: Emerging Trends Through 2025 and Beyond

5 Emerging Trends That Will Shape the Future of Customer Support

“These same artificial intelligences are also smart enough to know their limits and pass you to a person as soon as it’s clear you need more than they can provide.” “It could be the difference between a company thriving or disappearing to competitive, customer-focused organizations.” “If we are truly here to serve the customers, why are we asking them to jump through such annoying additional hoops? It is our job to gauge their mood and — provided they aren’t being abusive to us — respond accordingly.”

This feature places the most important details into a short conversation summary, providing QA raters and team leads with a comprehensive overview in a fraction of the time. Machines are not equipped with the technology to create a response when the issue is complex. However, they can help route, organize, structure, and analyze data so that humans can ultimately be more productive. This AI-powered feature provides an impartial measure of empathy, guaranteeing consistent ratings during different customer engagements and agents. This eliminates any subjectivity that could be introduced through manual scoring. Offering proactive support through self-service resources also has its fair share of benefits for agents.


A negative customer experience and missed possibilities for resolution can result from ignoring or skipping over these alternative routes. We found that 65% of mobile workers feel the weight of customer expectations, more than any other type of service worker. That can have a major impact on job satisfaction — and it’s part of the reason why attracting and retaining frontline workers is more challenging than ever. One of the biggest and most critical trends within customer support in recent years has been the expansion into multiple support channels and ensuring that customers can easily maneuver between them without compromising their experience.

5 Emerging Trends That Will Shape the Future of Customer Support

While BPOs provide a wide array of services, they are known for being experts in handling and scaling up customer support operations. Sure, automation can help track parcels, but only an actual customer service agent can emphatically listen and offer solutions to a customer’s concerns. For one thing, customer service drives loyalty which means more repeat purchases, higher customer lifetime values, a deeper client base, and ultimately, more revenue. Whether you’re a start-up or a retail giant, you need to stay abreast and keep pace with the future of customer service. It turns out many of the same challenges that make the trends we’ve already discussed such a great investment. In short, support leaders are hampered by a lack of technology and too much time spent on repetitive tasks and managing conversations.

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They seek answers through various channels, from social media and online forums to peer-to-peer communities. These unofficial paths to resolution can be both an opportunity and a challenge for customer service leaders. The increasing adoption of AI marketplaces and tools is also paving the way for varied pricing strategies and novel business models.

In order to do this, companies have made smartphones an integral part of the support experience. Moving forward, the importance of smartphones in customer support will only continue to grow. Customer support has traditionally been one of the more insulated teams within a business. However, many companies are realizing that, in order to reap the rewards of digital transformation, customer support must be along for the ride. This means the silos that have stood between support and the rest of the enterprise must come down, and the way to do that is with data.

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Read more about 5 Emerging Trends That Will Shape the Future of Customer Support here.

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