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The Beginner’s Guide to Creating a Secure Ethereum Paper Wallet

ether paper wallet

Laser printers on the other hand, essentially melt plastic on paper. Inkjet printers use a liquid-based ink, which means that they will probably fade. Even so-called waterproof inks may not stand the test of time. Whichever one you choose, be sure to choose the version that works with laser printers. Here are some ERC20 tokens that I have already received in one small wallet. Keeping your Ethereum in a cold wallet keeps it out of the hands of hackers who prey on their victims via the Internet.

  • So in this guide, I’m going to be using this method.
  • This feature of OPOLO is more unique, as it cannot be saved on any device.
  • So after you cut out the first wallet, save the paper and use it again to print your next wallet.
  • To see the balance of your Ethereum paper wallet, use a site like Etherchain or Etherscan.
  • There is another part of your wallet that protects you from emergencies.
  • A wallet backup is important, as it will help ensure that you can get your funds back if you lose your device or delete the app.

You can write a number on the paper wallet and use that as a reference number in your digital files. Now that you understand the basics about paper wallets and the tools you need to create one, it’s time to get to work. Here are the steps that you have to follow to create your first wallet. I highly recommend using Linux to print paper wallets. So in this guide, I’m going to be using this method.

Using Ethereum Classic With MyEtherWallet

However, if you’re playing the long game and holding for a while, this shouldn’t be an issue. also offers tools for loading you wallet, and sending transactions similar to those offered at MyEtherWallet. MEW has a function to show you your ETC address balance, but it does not support transaction history for any blockchain. In the next screen, MEW will show you all the kinds of wallets that you can connect with your ETC addresses.

Either way, get Linux installed and download the latest updates. Then make sure that you can print to your laser printer, from Linux. If you cannot print, then download the latest drivers for your printer. I’m going to use a virtual machine in this example, but you can also use the USB method mentioned earlier in this guide. If you type in the key manually and you make one mistake, all of your money could be gone. You will also need a QR code scanner for your desktop or laptop computer.

Transferring From a Paper Wallet

As for password security, you can make a series of letter and number combinations for as long as 120 characters. When someone attempts to guess your password, he or she will only have seven chances of guessing. Once he or she reaches the limit, that device will automatically be locked. Of course, you can restore everything with another device.

ether paper wallet

Once you have the basic tools, paper wallets are very cheap to make. So you don’t have to spend another $100+ on a Trezor or Ledger to get a second or third wallet. Since a paper wallet is not connected to the internet, there is no way that someone can hack your paper wallet.

Ethereum Paper Wallet Generator

Zoë also writes about the cannabis industry and drug policy. While @Badr Bellaj’s answer is correct, here is an alternative way that will also work after you generate your account and restart your browser. To be extra safe, fire up Linux again and use the website from there. Now it’s time to check to see if the transaction went through.

By following the instructions on the site, you can generate secure, random keys and addresses within seconds. Print on high quality paper and keep in safe locations. In the world of crypto wallets, there is either hot storage or cold storage. Hot storage is whereby your wallet has access to the internet.

Creating an Ethereum Paper Wallet

So while wireless printing is super convenient, you should not use it for printing paper wallets. You also have to “sweep” all of the money out of that wallet, for security reasons. The money you don’t spend has to be moved to another cold storage wallet, to keep it safe.

  • That might be a tad simplistic, but that’s pretty much all you need to know.
  • It is very important to put them on carefully and correctly, otherwise, unwanted damage can occur to your ETH.
  • But the best paper wallet generator right now is MyEtherWallet.
  • Without a public key or address, no one can transfer or send you any amount of Ethereum.
  • Now it’s safe to connect to the internet from your primary operating system.

People will look at you weird if you try to buy a coffee with an ether paper wallet. Keeping all of your Ether in one place is generally a bad idea. This is the Ethereum “gas” or fee that is required to execute the transaction. So if there is no gas in the wallet, that is another step that someone has to go through to get the money out of the wallet. However, we have to tell MEW that we wish to access the Ethereum Classic blockchain, so this will be in the next step.

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