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Kazakh Wedding Customs

Kazakh wedding ceremony practices are a rich trove of customs and unwritten guidelines that have progressed over the online dating safety tips ages to indicate the beginning of relationship. marrying an kazakhstan woman However some of these classical traditions have washed out, many of them continue to be viewed.

Dating, dowry and kyz uzatu

One of the most important parts of the Kazakh wedding process is definitely matchmaking. The part of a matchmaker is to try and look for a suitable soon-to-be husband for the woman. The matchmaker visits the bride’s house and tries to convince her to choose him seeing that her partner.

In case the matchmaker works, he delivers gifts for the couple. These may be a pair of earrings (syrga salu) or maybe a sum of money, generally known as kalyn zeichen.

Kalym, once a ransom paid out to the bride’s parents, has become less significant in recent years. Instead, the groom’s parents pay to partly pay what they spent on the bride’s dowry, which may involve new furniture, home bedding, carpets and other goods.

The wedding evening itself can be described as big festivity. The earliest part of the formal procedure, called kyz uzatu, occurs at the bride’s home and it is the official start of the wedding celebrations.

After kyz uzatu, the bride is normally taken to the groom’s house where your woman meets the family members of her husband to be. This is also in which a solemn registration of the marriage is executed.

There are also additional traditional occasions that happen before and after lots of people wedding. Is a wedding bathe for the bride and her woman friends, which will lasts for many hours.

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