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How Long Does The Honeymoon Period Last In A New Relationship?

Beyond that honeymoon phase that everyone knows so well, you’ve probably wondered what the stages of a relationship are and if you can blame your past failed flings on not following the right steps. There might be a lot of anecdotal evidence supporting different interpretations on the subject, but every relationship tends to follow generally the same pattern. Knowing what the stages of love are and which one you’re currently in can help you know how to better approach the future with your partner and prevent you from making easy mistakes that come along the way. There are other emotions taking over in your relationship. It is also important for you both to see how you handle this stage when everything is not rosy and perfect. This reality check helps you understand whether you’re likely to break up after the honeymoon phase or if there is a future for you as a couple.

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At this stage, people tend to feel excited, nervous, and energized about their new relationship. They tend to overlook their partner’s flaws and only focus on the positive aspects of them. When the honeymoon phase ends, just remember it is not a bad thing, keep calm, talk to your partner, adjust your expectations and enjoy the comfort of a good connection. Solving problems, communicating and collaborating is a big part of building a mature relationship.

If you are into it, cool, but if not, don’t pretend to be. This stage can intersect with a “power struggle” phase, too, but doesn’t always have to. If your goals are totally aligned and you really respect each other’s work and personal time, you may never have a power struggle. It can take some maneuvering to get used to the constraints on each other’s time and attention. Moreover, you might find you have different ideas about what your roles should be within the relationship. One party may be more controlling or traditional than the other, for instance, and you need to set some expectations early on.

What Is the Honeymoon Phase Like?

This is the phase of the relationship when your sex life starts to play a pivotal role. Both your sex drives may change or one of you may lose interest in having sex with your partner. Now, we don’t want to say you “fix” your partner because we all know that’s impossible to do.

No matter why it ends, losing your honeymoon phase is a painful experience. But once you recover from it, you’ll be much better prepared for any future relationships. Falling in love is easy, but relationships can be hard—despite what Hollywood tries to sell us.

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This often results in friction and the first arguments begin. The 6-month mark is a good time to sit back and evaluate your relationship. For some, a 6-month relationship is still new and all about the butterflies in the tummy. Most people are yet to spot or accept imperfections in their partners. However, there are certain things that you must reflect on to understand where your relationship is going and whether or not it is healthy.

Meeting the parents during the first six months of the relationship shows serious commitment. If your partner has introduced you to their parents, they are seriously considering a future with you. The first six months in a relationship are enough time to decide if the person you are seeing is someone you want to be committed to. You learn things about each other – quirks you like and things you dislike.

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They will spend a lot of quality time together as their relationship grows more and more intimate. There won’t be any conflict yet because they believe they are in the perfect relationship. People who tend to jump from relationship to relationship without ever getting serious are infatuated by the honeymoon phase. Stage four in a relationship is all about stability and security.

All couples fall into routines at times and everybody has their own ways getting their partner to do what they want. The sad truth is, no matter how perfect you are for each other, no person can ever make another person feel happy and fulfilled, no matter how hard they try. It’s normal and healthy for couples to fight now and then. Your relationship felt like true love when you first met, but after the honeymoon phase ended it became plain boring. You probably just started dating someone and things were magical in the beginning.

You look at them without any infatuation or hormones clouding your sight and you’re happy with what you see. You sort of forget that you need sleep — and you can actually lose more of it than you might think. During this time, couples learn about the best part of their partner’s personalities and fall in love with everything. And you’re typically a big hit with family and friends who are just happy to see you happy. This part of the relationship is often called the honeymoon period, where you and your partner feel like nothing could ever stop or challenge your love.

The vast majority of weddings still take place on Saturdays, which are then followed by possible Sunday brunches. You’ll want to suppress those days into your paid vacation time off too. Kingma’s fantastic book breaks down the real reasons relationships fall apart, and they’re much bigger than the things we think we’re upset about.

We meet someone, feel an initial attraction, and then if everything lines up as it should, we are swept away in a torrent of chemically-driven emotions. Most love relationships begin, develop, and even unravel without our being fully aware of what’s going on. We are an association of licensed mental health professionals who are experienced in helping people of all ages find healing and wellness with God’s help.