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ENFP: Personality Type, Characteristics, & Cognitive Functions

Both types are very open to excitement and new experiences, which makes it easy for them to enjoy life together. Both are very spontaneous and have a “go with the flow” mentality, which means that they dislike too much planning ahead. On the downside, the pragmatic ESTP can have trouble understanding the emotionally rich inner world of the ENFP, which could cause problems. The ENFP personality type takes their personal relationships very seriously.

An INFP relationship with another INFP can be very satisfying for all involved. These two get along with almost no effort – after all, they share values, feelings, and attitudes towards life, as well as a great emotional connection. They are interested in the same activities and intuitively understand the complex emotions that their partner expresses.

Who Should an Enfp marry?

The ENFP personality type is one of the 16 different types identified by theMyers-Briggs Type Indicator . You’ll probably share a mutual interest in reading, going to museums and cultural events, taking classes for fun, and other activities that allow you to learn and improve your minds. In fact, you may find that learning new things together is a great way to bring you closer. You are both highly empathetic and probably make plenty time in your lives to help others.

INTP has a tendency to shut down much more quickly and leave the conversation altogether if they feel it isn’t worth their time. ENFP is a genuinely caring personality and will typically encourage others to speak their mind. Inevitably, INTP will often say exactly what’s on their mind without hesitation, leading to embarrassing social situations and possible conflict. At the same time, ENFP’s compulsion to attend every social function can leave them personally drained.

More than most types, we see life as a journey and believe we are constantly evolving through it. There is nothing an ENFP loathes more than the feeling of being tied down. While this type is often fiercely committed in a relationship, they don’t fancy putting their own personal growth on a backburner. A healthy relationship, to an ENFP, means that both parties are growing and evolving alongside each other but neither remains stagnant. One way you can look into the indicators of compatibility is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test.

This can be an advantage in some respects, as the ENFP in love will be open to exploring their partner’s sexual fantasies. Since the ENFP is open to the excitement and new ideas, they will also enjoy exploration in the bedroom. ENFPs may also clash with the ISTP, who is also practical and does not handle emotions very well. An ENFP in love will be open to compromise and will ensure their partner’s needs are met.

ENFJ Love Language

Both types are curious and enjoy exploring new horizons with their signature enthusiasm. They are never bored around one another, as it’s easy for their similarly wired minds to find a topic to discuss in-depth. ENTPs balance out the emotional side of ENFPs with their own rationality, which helps them both come up with even grander adventures. An issue that might occur is that neither personality type has any sense of boundaries and both are willing to sometimes go overboard with their personal beliefs.

While these may seem like wonderful traits to have in a friend, they can sometimes become a bit too much for INTP. Their optimism and energy can be infectious, which is why other people are so drawn to them. ENFP sometimes has a tendency to steamroll others during conversations. This is especially problematic with INTP who is more reserved and not as quick to speak. Additionally, ENFP craves intense romance and this is simply not something that INTP can naturally provide their partner with.

Given how non-emotionally expressive ISTPs are, they can’t meet the INFP’s need to receive constant reassurance of their partner’s commitment and deep feelings. The intensity of emotion that INFPs often bring to the table might be too much for the more pragmatic and matter-of-fact ISTP. Once they find someone with who they can share an authentic emotional connection, INFP’s are in for life. While their idealism might make them picky about their mates, it is rarely a superficial idealism, like an optimal bust size or preferred face shape.

Those functions are their introverted feeling and introverted sensing. They’re dominated by extroverted intuition, but all personalities have some degree of extroversion and introversion. ENTPs have three main similarities to other personality types that manifest through their cognitive functions.

This dynamic duo can get into arguments because of their differing decision-making styles – INTJs have a more impersonal and objective approach, while INFPs rely on a personal and empathetic one. As curious and imaginative personalities, INFPs and ENTPs make for excellent idea generators at work. They can make a powerful team when it comes to discussing and brainstorming, as neither will shy away from questioning the other’s position if they don’t agree with it. This work pairing is likely to bring plenty of creative and innovative solutions to workplace problems.